Summer 2021

Tubby Dog wore many hats (and wild toppings) since opening what would become an anchor on Calgary’s busy 17th ave. Jon Truch, Tubby Dog’s owner and a trailblazer in the local nightlife and music scene, knew the value of a remix when he transformed the humble hotdog with wild flavour combinations that went way beyond the typical condiments.

Like many restaurants, for Tubby Dog, 2020 meant they had to switch up more than just their menu. They had to change everything about how they do business and get their products in people’s hands. So, they made the leap into packaged goods, and Tubby Dog’s sausages and mustards started filling shelves at local specialty shops and grocers. 

Once they’d taken their show on the road, as it were, we worked with them on a perfectly timed summer launch of an all-inclusive portable meal experience—with a single-use, sustainable grill included. 

Reach out to with any press inquiries and partnership opportunities regarding Tubby Dog, one of Calgary’s most iconic independently-owned fast casual food brands. 


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